Thesis defense: Irena Fundova

Thesis Title: Quantitative genetics of wood quality traits in Scots pine

Date: 2020-04-24, 9:00, P-O Bäckström Sal.

Opponent: Philippe Rozenberg, French National Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment (INRAE)

The committee:
Ann Christin Rönnberg-Wästljung, Dpt. Plant biology, SLU 
Arne Steffenrem, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, NIBIO 
Matti Haapanen, National Resource Insitutet Finland, LUKE

Congratulations to Irena Fundova! She successfully defended her PhD thesis at SLU Umeå. Due to the current situation and following official regulations, the entire thesis defens was broadcasted online. Both the commitee and the opponent joint remotely. The whole defens has been recorded and the video is still openly accessible (link: 

irenafundova defens portraitdefens irenafundova screenshot
Irena Fundova after successfully defending her PhD. The whole defens was conducted online with the commmitee members joining remotely (Photos: S. Ranade,
R. Garcia-Gil).

On the homepage of UPSC you can read more about Irena and her PhD work. Please follow this link: Fast and non-destructive ways to estimate wood quality in forest trees to optimize breeding strategies for Scots pine