Hur värderar vi bäst olika egenskaper ekonomiskt när de vägs samman vid förädling?

Student: Irena Fundova

A selection index approach of multiple traits is used for current breeding selection for Scots pine. To be able to compare different traits they have to be transformed to a common monitory unite like SEK by using economic weights. However, economic weights for improving the multiple traits at rotation age have not been properly defined using the existing production systems (solid wood, pulp and paper, and energy production systems) of the two species. For Lodgepole pine, improvement of wood stiffness and other wood quality traits along with growth and vitality is also important. Through the development of breeding objective for these products, bio-economic model or profit function will be developed to estimate economic weights for different production systems and genetic variance and covariance from early selection to harvest traits including wood quality traits are estimated. There are now suitable progeny trials available for Scots pine with tree sizes suitable for construction wood studies. These can be used for a great number of investigations of which some has started.

Main supervisor: Harry Wu
Co-supervisor: Gunnar Jansson
Industry superviros: Johan Westin (Skogforsk)