Hur kan vi utveckla nya förädlingsverktyg för att integrera alla de datamängder som kommer från de nya gran och tall-genomprojekten med existerande förädlingsprogram.

Student: Ainhoa Calleja-Rodriguez

Candidate gene and genome-wide association of DNA markers with phenotypic traits has made the dissection of phenotypic variation into genotypic variation possible in trees. Current development of SNP chip in whole genome sequencing and re-sequencing projects is a first step towards developing efficient DNA marker system in pine and spruce for large scale association analyses. It is envisioned that genome-wide association could cover a large portion of genetic variation for quantitative traits. Genomic selection method has advanced greatly in animal breeding program recently. With the completion of whole genome sequencing and re-sequencing of spruce and pines, genomic selection could be a reality in tree with increased efficiency of early selection. However, specific method dealing with low linkage disequilibrium and large effective population number in the tree breeding population need to be developed for effective genome-wide selection including efficient design of experiment for tree species to accurately estimate allelic effects. We will examine how the size and structure of population, experiment design, mating structure and density of markers in tree species affected the accuracy of candidate and genome-wide association studies. Adequate tools will be developed for integration of genomics with practical breeding program. This could involve development of integration strategy, estimation of genomic breeding values, and use of genomic information in designing breeding strategy.

Supervisors: Harry Wu (Main supervisor),
Co-supervisor: Pär Ingvarsson, Rosario Garcia Gil, Fikret Isik
Co-supervisor/indudstry partner: Sara Abrahamsson (Skogforsk)

Presentation from the 2nd general meeting